Our Services

Business Of Your Brain is your new first-stop-shop for access to enterprise services. The four main functions of the Business Of Your Brain are:

Business Information & Advice

• General business advice and information provision: Business Planning, Financial Advice, Management and Accounting, How-to Guides etc
• Advice and information on rates, planning, licensing etc. including cost reductions e.g. water conservation and waste minimisation
• Information and access to other government services such as:

– Revenue [Seed Capital Scheme, Employment Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS), Revenue Job Assist]
– Social Protection/National Employment & Entitlements Service (NEES) [Back to Work Enterprise Allowance]
– SOLAS [Employer Job Incentive Scheme, Training]
– Companies Registration Office
– Credit Review Office

• Advice and information for local businesses on accessing public procurement processes
• Advice on energy efficiency, sustainable development and alternative renewable energy sources

Enterprise Support 

• Provide financial support for start-up and business development.
• Provide training supports e.g. Start Your Own Business Programmes, Management development support etc.
• Access to commercial/enterprise space
• Mentoring
• Marketing
• Access to dedicated business networks
• Product and Service development
• Development of web-enabled services with a focus on trading online
• Maximising the impact of Community Enterprise Centres in local areas
• Access to promotional space

Entrepreneurship Support

• Education – Primary & Second level programmes
• Female entrepreneurship
• Senior entrepreneurship
• Development of clusters
• Enterprise Awards
• Enterprise promotional activities

Enterprise Development

• Development & implementation of local enterprise plan
• Input into County Development Plan
• Development of partnerships with relevant agencies e.g. North/South development
• Promotion and marketing of local areas as location for investment in conjunction with the appropriate national body e.g. IDA
• Identifying & developing projects & programmes including leveraging resources to implement these programmes and those funded from non-core resources
• Development of appropriate enterprise infrastructure at county/city level
• Management of local authority enterprise infrastructure or assets e.g. enterprise parks
• Acting as an enhanced resource for Government to undertake one-off initiatives
• Assisting in development of County/City Economic Strategies as proposed in the Local Government Reform Programme
• Direct engagement with businesses in difficulty in order to develop payment plans e.g. commercial rates

Business Of Your Brain are there to help guide small businesses on the road to business success. If you are running a small business or if you are thinking of starting one, contact us today to find out how we can help you.